Dry is a series of landscape photographs documenting the ongoing severe drought in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Much of the series was taken in and around the Klamath Wildlife Refuge and the surrounding farms and small towns.
The Lower Klamath wildlife refuge straddles the borders of Oregon and California. In 1906 Lower Klamath Lake was drained to create 80,000 acres of farmland. A small remnant was used to form the refuge in 1908 to protect crops from migrating waterfowl. The prolonged drought has resulted in a refuge empty of water. Normally this area is full of waterfowl.
Tule Lake in the Klamath Basin is basically empty and what water there is contaminated by toxic algae blooms. Tule lake is important for agriculture and provides habitat for migrating waterfowl.
Tule Lake irrigation canal.
Tule Lake at sunset with haze from the 2021 forest fires.
Tule Lake basin with haze form ongoing forest fires in 2021.
Tule Lake bed in summer of 2021.
Empty irrigation canal Lower Klamath wildlife refuge.
Irrigation canal Lower Klamath wildlife refuge.
Irrigation Klamath Basin.
The Lava Fire near Mt Shasta burned over 26 thousand acres (41 sq miles) in 2021.
Lava fire.
Dried wetland in the Lower Klamath Wildlife refuge.
The Antelope fire burned through Lava Beds National Monument in September of 2021 burning what was left unburned by the 2020 Caldwell fire.
Tennant Road through the remnants of the 2021 Tennant fire that burned over 10 thousand acres in summer of 2021.
Logging the remains of the Tennant fire.
Antelope fire in Lava Beds.
The dry bed of Lost Creek Lake 2021.
Shrinking water level of Lost Creek Lake 2021.
Lost Creek Lake 2021
Lost Creek Lake 2021
Exposed lake bed with haze from forest fires Lost Creek Lake 2021.
Lake Shasta 2021.
Lake Shasta 2021.
Lake Shasta 2021
The Alameda fire on September 8, 2020 burned through 2,600 homes in the communities of Talent and Phoenix. This fire was a direct result of the extreme drought in Southern Oregon. View of the fire from Medford.
Protecting homes in Medford with the smoke of the Almeda in the background 2020.
Almeda fire remains Phoenix motel 2020.
Smoke from the 2020 fires north of Ashland.